• NEWS
  • The CTI Engineering Group has identified key risks, and set up countermeasures to lower their impact.


The CTI Engineering Group has identified key risks, and set up countermeasures to lower their impact.


The CTI Engineering Group have identified key risks that need to be addressed in particular, under the basic risk management policy announced in July, and have established countermeasures to reduce the impact of the occurrence of such risks.

 → Risk Management

1. Background
In July of this year, the CTI Engineering Group announced the formulation of its basic risk management policy and the establishment of a system to strengthen risk management.


In order to enhance the effectiveness of risk management and build a relationship of trust with our stakeholders, we have decided to identify key risks that need to be addressed in particular, according to our basic risk management policy, and to set and disclose countermeasures to reduce the impact of risk occurrence.

2. Details of Our Public Announcement
We have announced the following details of our promotion of risk management initiatives.

- Key risks (risks judged to be of high importance based on the scale of damage or loss in the event of risk occurrence, and the frequency of occurrence)
- Countermeasures (measures to reduce the impact of key risks should they occur)

3. Future Development
Under the risk management promotion system also announced in July, the CTI Engineering Group will monitor the identified key risks and countermeasures, conduct necessary reviews based on the PDCA cycle, and disclose the details of such reviews in a timely manner.