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  • CTI Engineering Co., Ltd. and Environmental Research & Solutions Co., Ltd. have started analysis services for polybrominated diphenyl ethers (persistent organic pollutants) associated with human health and environmental pollution concerns


CTI Engineering Co., Ltd. and Environmental Research & Solutions Co., Ltd. have started analysis services for polybrominated diphenyl ethers (persistent organic pollutants) associated with human health and environmental pollution concerns

Technology & Research

CTI Engineering Co., Ltd. and the CTI Group's Environmental Research & Solutions Co., Ltd. (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Group") have started providing analysis services for polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) that were newly listed under the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs Convention).*


* The POPs Convention stipulates the elimination or restriction of the production and use of persistent organic pollutants (POPs), the reduction of their emissions, and the proper treatment and disposal of such stockpiles, wastes, and other chemicals.


1. Background
Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs) are a type of brominated flame retardant used as a flame retardant in plastic resins. They have a high persistency and bioconcentration in the environment, and are easily adsorbed to soil and the bottom sediment. PBDEs have potential impacts on human health, such as toxicity to liver, thyroid, and neurodevelopment, as well as impacts on the environment, including soil, groundwater, and drainage pollution.
In recent years, PBDEs and their related substances have raised concerns about worsening environmental pollution due to exports of electronic and electrical wastes (E-waste), such as used TVs and PCs, from developed to developing countries, along with inappropriate recycling and disposal of E-waste in developing countries. Their monitoring is urgently required to grasp the situation.

2. Overview and features of our technology
Analysis technology was needed to grasp the situation of environmental pollution caused by persistent organic pollutants (POPs), including PBDEs. However, as PBDEs are contained in many types of contaminated samples, they include very high levels of foreign substances, which made the extraction of PBDEs difficult.
By leveraging know-how gained through the provision of dioxin analyses since 1991, the Group has realized the extraction, purification, and analysis of PBDEs using high-resolution gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer (GCMS).

3. Future prospects
Using high-quality, highly reliable PBDE analysis technology, the Group will analyze and monitor POPs and offer solutions for the harmful effects of POPs on the environment and human health.


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High-resolution GCMS/Extraction of PBDEs